Scallywag Press
Scallywag Press
Scallywag Press
Scallywag Press

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Ivy Newt and the Vampixies by Derek Keilty and Magda Brol
Ivy Newt and the Vampixies
Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
Milo's Hat Trick by Jon Agee
Milo's Hat Trick
Jon Agee
Bunny's Most Fabulous Holiday Ever! by Brian Fitzgerald
Bunny's Most Fabulous Holiday Ever!
Brian Fitzgerald
Elki Is Not My Dog by Elena Arevalo Melville and Tonka Uzu
Elki Is Not My Dog
Elena Arevalo Melville & Tonka Uzu
Detective Catz and the Missing Nut by Marjoke Henrichs
Detective Catz and the Missing Nut
Marjoke Henrichs
Ivy Newt & the Swamp Dragons by Derek Keilty and Magda Brol
Ivy Newt & the Swamp Dragons
Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
On Poetry Street by Brian Moses and Mark Elvins
On Poetry Street
Brian Moses & Mark Elvins
Whisper to the Rescue by Rose Robbins
Whisper to the Rescue
Rose Robbins
One Button and the Sea by Sara Stanley and Viviane Schwarz
One Button and the Sea
Sara Stanley & Viviane Schwarz


Beneath by Cori Doerrfeld
Cori Doerrfeld
I want a Dog by Jon Agee
I want a Dog
Jon Agee
Ivy Newt and the Time Thief - Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
Ivy Newt and the Time Thief
Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
The Bear Who Had Nothing To Wear
The Bear Who Had Nothing To Wear
Jeanne Willis & Brian Fitzgerald
My Dad is a Tree
My Dad is a Tree
Jon Agee
Ivy Newt and the Storm Witch - Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
Ivy Newt and the Storm Witch
Derek Keilty & Magda Brol
I Heard A Bird - Rob Ramsden
I Heard A Bird
Rob Ramsden
A Passing on of Shells - Simon Lamb & Chris Riddell
A Passing on of Shells
Simon Lamb & Chris Riddell
Don't be Silly! - Padmacandra
Don't be Silly!


My Rhinoceros - Jon Agee
My Rhinoceros
Jon Agee
Granny Pip - Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Granny Pip
Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Ready! Said Rabbit by Marjoke Henrichs
Ready! Said Rabbit
Marjoke Henrichs
When Creature Met Creature
When Creature Met Creature
John Agard
Satoshi Kitamura

Flyntlock Bones: The Ghost of Scarletbeard
Flyntlock Bones: The Ghost of Scarletbeard
Derek Keilty
Mark Elvins

Phyllis & Grace
Phyllis & Grace
Nigel Gray
Bethan Welby

Shelly Hen Lays Eggs - Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Shelly Hen Lays Eggs
Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Dino Knights: Invasion by Jeff Norton
Dino Knights: Invasion
Jeff Norton &
Jeff Crosby
Eye Spy - Ruth Brown
Eye Spy
Ruth Brown
A Seed Grows by Antoinette Portis
A Seed Grows
Antoinette Portis
Queen Of The Classroom - Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Queen Of The Classroom
Derrick Barnes & Vanessa Brantley-Newton


Group Hug by Jean Reidy/Joey Chou
Group Hug
Jean Reidy &
Joey Chou
Little Santa by Jon Agee
Little Santa
Jon Agee
Polly Bee Makes Honey - Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Polly Bee Makes Honey
Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Dino Knights by Jeff Norton
Lily Takes A Walk
Satoshi Kitamura
Dino Knights by Jeff Norton
Dino Knights: Panterra in Peril
Jeff Norton &
Jeff Crosby
No Said Rabbit by Marjoke Henrichs
No Said Rabbit
Marjoke Henrichs
The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau by Jon Agee
The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau
Jon Agee
Loud! - Rose Robbins
Rose Robbins
The Tale of the Whale by Karen Swann & Padmacandra
The Tale of the Whale
Karen Swann & Padmacandra
Flyntlock Bones: The Eye of Mogdrod - Derek Keilty and Mark Elvins
Flyntlock Bones: The Eye of Mogdrod
Derek Keilty & Mark Elvins
Ten Little Dogs - Ruth Brown
Ten Little Dogs
Ruth Brown
Milly Cow Gives Milk - Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
Milly Cow Gives Milk
Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves
The Three Happy Lions - Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin
The Three Happy Lions
Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin
Captain Toby by Satoshi Kitamura
Captain Toby
Satoshi Kitamura


We planted a Pumpkin by Rob Ramsden
We planted a Pumpkin
Rob Ramsden
It's only Stanley by Jon Agee
It's only Stanley
Jon Agee
The After Christmas Tree by Bethan Welby
The After Christmas Tree
Bethan Welby
Say Goodbye ... Say Hello by Cori Doerrfeld
Say Goodbye ... Say Hello
Cori Doerrfeld
A New Green Day by Antoinette Portis
A New Green Day
Antoinette Portis
The Smile Shop by Satoshi Kitamura
The Smile Shop
Satoshi Kitamura
Talking Is Not My Thing - Rose Robbins
Talking Is Not My Thing
Rose Robbins
Lion Lessons - Jon Agee
Lion Lessons
Jon Agee
The Longest Strongest Thread - Inbal Leitner
The Longest Strongest Thread
Inbal Leitner
Hey, Water - Antoinette Portis
Hey, Water
Antoinette Portis
King Of The Classroom - Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley-Newton
King Of The Classroom
Derrick Barnes & Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Flyntlock Bones - Derek Keilty and Mark Elvins
Flyntlock Bones
Derek Keilty & Mark Elvins
The Happy Lion Roars - Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin
The Happy Lion Roars
Louise Fatio & Roger Duvoisin


Hat Tricks - Satoshi Kitamura
Hat Tricks
Satoshi Kitamura
The Wall in the Middle of the Book - Jon Agee
The Wall in the Middle of the Book
Jon Agee
Me and My Sister - Rose Robbins
Me and My Sister
Rose Robbins
I Saw a Bee - Rob Ramsden
I Saw a Bee
Rob Ramsden
Umbrella - Elena Arevalo-Melville
Elena Arevalo Melville
The Happy Lion - Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin
The Happy Lion
Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin
The Rabbit Listened - Cori Doerrfeld
The Rabbit Listened
Cori Doerrfeld
We Found a Seed - Rob Ramsden
We Found a Seed
Rob Ramsden
Life on Mars - Jon Agee
Life on Mars
Jon Agee
A Gallery of Cats - Ruth Brown
A Gallery of Cats
Ruth Brown
The Night Before Christmas - Clement C Moore and Roger Duvoisin
The Night Before Christmas
Clement C Moore
and Roger Duvoisin